4DMapper Tutorials
Click on each topic below to watch the video:
- Creating projects and adding data
- Adding pointcloud data
- Adding 3D textured obj mesh model
- Importing 3D CAD and BIM models
- Import ESRI shape files
- 3D Measurement and annotations
- Photogrammetry processing (3D models from photos)
- Inspection and linking external metadata
- Sharing maps and projects/adding users
- Embedding projects link in your website
Creating projects and adding data
This step-by-step video firstly shows a user how to create a project. It then demonstrates how to add and visualize a digital elevation model (DEM) in Geotiff format. The DEM is downloaded from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission(SRTM) dataset. Alternatively, you can source and upload your own terrain models.
If you upload an orthophoto Geotiff file, it is detected as raster imagery and will be tiled and displayed as a 2D image on the map. It will also be draped over your terrain model if you have one.
Adding pointcloud data
You can add LiDAR, laser scanner or any other pointcloud data in .las or .laz format. The coordinate system of the uploaded file will be auto-detected if it is available in the file header. If it is not available, you will need to specify the correct coordinate system.
Massive pointcloud data can be uploaded and streamed with no restriction in size and resolution. The tools for 3D measuring, feature extraction and project collaboration all apply to pointcloud data.
Adding textured obj mesh models
To add a textured obj mesh model to your project, you will need to create a zip file containing the .obj, .mtl and texture image files of the model. Then, specify the coordinate system (EPSG code) of the model and any coordinate shift in XYZ. For example, if the model is produced by Pix4D photogrammetry software, you can find the _offset.xyz file (model offset in XYZ) under the params folder.
You can also export the model in Cesium 3D Tiles format if is available in your processing software, e.g. Bentley ContextCapture and upload the zipped file.
Adding 3D CAD and BIM models
3D solid models or polygons are supported in DXF, DGN, DWG, DAE or IFC formats. You will need to specify the coordinate system (EPSG code) of your drawing for it to be visualized in the correct geographic location on the map.
The model will be overlaid with other data in your project and can be used for volume calculations and estimating the difference between the actual terrain and the design model.
Importing vector shape files
Area and polygon features can be imported as 3D vector tiles. Prior to uploading, the shape file should be converted to a zip format. Vector tiling is best suited to shape files that have 3D coordinates. With 2D vector objects, you can select the shape-to-raster transform option to project the shape file as a raster image over the terrain. This option is available via the ‘Data Management’ button.
Photogrammetry processing
With 4DMapper, you can process photos into 3D models while accessing a comprehensive set of features, including the ability to import external image coordinates (e.g. from a PPK or RTK), mark GCPs and select coordinate systems. Users can generate pointclouds, terrain and orthophotos with full survey grade reports.
3D Measurements
4DMapper enables you to measure points, lines, areas and volumes and extract the 3D features to your computer. You can assign metadata, link to an external database and measure volumes on any 3D model, terrain model or pointcloud. A wide range of calculation options are available.
Click on a 3D model and 4DMapper will locate the best photos of that point with a target designated on each. You can then place a tag, add notes, custom attributes or connect to a file or database to link external data to the model.
Embedding in your website
Instead of showcasing your work with snapshots and still images, you can embed 4DMapper projects into your website. This will enable your customers to experience real 3D and high quality, interactive maps and products. The example on the right is an embedded interactive link. To create your own link, simply go to your 4DMapper project, click on ‘Create external shared link’, then copy and paste the link as an iframe in your website